4.1 - Temperature Indicators

Temperature Indicators

Two different temperature indicators can be found on vehicles.

  1. The temperature warning light that is activated by a switch found on the engine will turn the indicator on in the instrument cluster when the engine is overheating.
  2. The temperature gauge informs the driver of actual engine temperature. A sensor mounted on the engine has a variable resistance that changes with the temperature.

Both the switch and the sensor are exposed to the cooling liquid.

With time, the submerged portion of the switch or sensor will accumulate debris and reduce reading efficiency. Replace when necessary.

No specific inspection is necessary for the temperature sensor or switch. But it is recommended to simply remove the sensor or switch for a visual inspection when replacing the antifreeze. Any excess corrosion build-up on the sensing tip which is exposed to the liquid can tamper the accuracy of the reading or the time the light will turn on. Replace the sensor or switch as necessary.